After lurking within the depths of the internet, i came across This gem of a site and as my family keep pigeons, and I got a new printer last week (so cheap it almost hurt) I thought I'd give it a whirl...
Here he is in all his glory...
And then I thought 'Now what the hell do I do with him?'
Solution: Put him in with the birds....
Man did they freak when they saw me coming at them with a block of paper! they were all over the shop, kids were crying, sirens were sounding, but after a while they settles down and got a few pics ...
I'm pretty chuffed, a completely pointless exercise, but it filled in an hour of my unemployed time, which is much more productive then staring at image boards all day, gradually degrading my corneas with the glare from my netbook...
Lol! it's incredibly similar to real pigeon xD